Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Bhagavad Gita – Imperishable Dharma

What is Dharma? What is Truth?

Dharma is righteousness in thought, word, and action. The word of GOD is Dharma and Truth.

Bhagavad Gita the word of God is the Dharma and Truth

You may see many different types of Dharma and its nature which is physical and materialistic as explained in scriptures, smriti's etc.

Vyakti dharma - the dharma of an individual
Parivarika dharma - family dharma (also called kutumba dharma)
Samaja dharma - societal dharma
Rashtra dharma - national dharma
Manava dharma - the dharma of mankind
Varna dharma - professional dharma
apad dharma - exceptional/abnormal situational dharma
Yuga dharma - dharma applicable for an yuga
Ashrama dharma - dharma for stage of life

So which Dharma is for the soul?

All dharma done to physical body are perishable

I am the abode of the immortal, imperishable Brahman, the basis of eternal dharma and unending supreme bliss. - Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 14, Verse 27

Imperishable Dharma is Bhagavad Gita the word of God. As it stands beyond time and it guides and leads the soul to attain or achieve the God.

So you know which dharma to follow now - right ?

Om Namah Shivaya