Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Bhagavad Gita – Imperishable Dharma

What is Dharma? What is Truth?

Dharma is righteousness in thought, word, and action. The word of GOD is Dharma and Truth.

Bhagavad Gita the word of God is the Dharma and Truth

You may see many different types of Dharma and its nature which is physical and materialistic as explained in scriptures, smriti's etc.

Vyakti dharma - the dharma of an individual
Parivarika dharma - family dharma (also called kutumba dharma)
Samaja dharma - societal dharma
Rashtra dharma - national dharma
Manava dharma - the dharma of mankind
Varna dharma - professional dharma
apad dharma - exceptional/abnormal situational dharma
Yuga dharma - dharma applicable for an yuga
Ashrama dharma - dharma for stage of life

So which Dharma is for the soul?

All dharma done to physical body are perishable

I am the abode of the immortal, imperishable Brahman, the basis of eternal dharma and unending supreme bliss. - Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 14, Verse 27

Imperishable Dharma is Bhagavad Gita the word of God. As it stands beyond time and it guides and leads the soul to attain or achieve the God.

So you know which dharma to follow now - right ?

Om Namah Shivaya

Friday, November 25, 2016

Sanatana Dharma – When Lord takes Avatar?

Why does God take Avatar? What is the real purpose behind it?

The purpose of the God taking Avatar is to restore Dharma and establish the wisdom and righteousness

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 7

O descendent of Bhårata, whenever there is a decline in righteousness, and a rise in unrighteousness prevails, then do I manifest myself.

1) To bring in change - to establish righteousness, to end stagnation or reluctant to change.
2) Samhara - Bring in the death (to unrighteousness).

How death occurs?

Death of any living being may occur in several form, we will cover the top most reason of death

Death by Time – When the soul need to leave the body by time - say old age, time period of soul ends etc. the death occurs in a natural way.

Death by Body Organ Failure or disease - When the organ in the body faces a fatal failure (have many reason – accident/poisoned/disease/death attack etc.) and thus makes the soul force to leave body the death occurs.

So how God’s Avatar and Death is related?

Yes. There is a lot inference and relation to the death and Avatar of God. According to the Natural law or Dharma any living being born should face death.

So when Avatar happens?

When this natural law of death is broken or defied and the living being which has boon to take control over death and does not use its power or this gift of defying death in lawful way and starts destructing dharma or threatens natural life system in the earth and God of death does not have control on that living being. Then Lord takes Avatar to bring in death to that living being which defies death to establish natural law and dharma.

The Avatars taken by Lord Vishnu followed the laws of Dharma/karma are


Among these Avatars Rama Avatar is more powerful as it took two avatar Rama (God Vishnu) and Sita (Goddess Maha Lakshmi) to dethrone Ravana and establish Dharma. Ravana abducted Sita and made himself defile and acquired sin as per laws of snathana dharma and this made Rama’s Astra to dethrone Ravana.

Krishna Avatar is very special and glorious avatar as Lord showed the human being righteous way of all yoga’s and how to achieve the God and to get dissolved in him.

Om Namah Shivaya

Bhagavad Gita – The Origin

Who disclosed this imperishable yoga of Bhagavad Gita first? Is it Lord Krishna disclosure the Orgin of Bhagavad Gita ?

Imperishable Yoga of Bhagavad Gita existed even before Lord Krishna's disclosure to Arjuna. It is not the First disclosure by Lord Krishna.

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 1

I had disclosed this imperishable yoga to Vivasvaan (Sun God). He told it to Manu, and Manu told it to Ikshvaaku.

So who disclosed the First Edition?

We all know that Lord as Krishna in the Dvapara Yuga. So who disclosed it even before it? It was disclosed by Lord Shiva to Sun God who is also called Yogeshwar – Lord of all Yoga. During those time this Imperishable Yoga of Bhagavad Gita existed in the form of sound (verbal recitation) passed in succession to the generations. This valuable knowledge got perished by time as no Jeevan was powerful to handle this.

Who are all involved or related by some means to this great imperishable yoga of Bhagavad Gita

First Edition - From Lord Shiva to Vivasvaan (Sun God) , Vivasvaan to Manu, Manu to Ikshvaaku then it was known all over generations in succession and was very well known by Raja  Rishis (Sages). This valuable knowledge got perished by time.

Then in Dvapara Yuga the II edition of Imperishable yoga of Bhagavad Gita was preached by Lord Krishna to Arjuna.

In older generations and previous yuga's it was passed in succession to the generations in the form of sound (verbal recitation). Sage Vyasa narrated it and Lord Ganesha broke his tusk and wrote in Time astral layer. As it was wrote in Time astral layer by Lord Ganesh Ji, we got this valuable imperishable yoga in this kali yuga period.

Vays Gufa - Mana village 3 km from Badrinath in India is said to be the place, this great epic and imperishable yoga was wrote down by Lord Ganesh ji narrated by Sage Vyasa.

Sanjaya watched all that happened during the Mahabaratha War by divine sight provided by Sage Vyasa and he narrated the live happenings to Dhritarashtra. (TV/Radio Telecast).

Lord Skandha - Son of Lord Shiva is protector of this Imperishable yoga of Bhagavad Gita. He is called Deva Senathipathi means Divine Commander in Chief by Lord Krishna. Lord Skanda protects the divine secrets and he is the commander of divine forces. He has the keys to the doors of divine secrets. No one can enter or access or attain wisdom or knowledge to these divine secrets without his permission or God's grace.

Om Namah Shivaya

Saturday, November 19, 2016

History and Being Unpredictable

From the previous post Resolution and Live to Action one would have learnt if we have the will we definitely achieve it.

Everyone has famous or infamous history. Without history everyone in the world is nothing. 

Those who live in Truth need not need History.

Truth when descended by God take lives with time and become history. Ancient sages never needed history, they never left traces of history but left traces of truth.

Those who live in Earth need History.

So how important is the history ?  Can I live without touching History ?

Yes. History is important, however use only when it is required. Nothing is impossible, yes you can definitely leave it untouched. But you have to work hard on it.

Take yourself – You have a family, work environment, friends and society.

You are well known to all. Any one can predict about you to the maximum - how you will behave ?, everyone around you has few or many predetermined thought about you, and it is highly impossible to change it. And every now and then you also have to prove yourself and renew your history stating, I am like this, I did it (this way, that way) , I was like this yesterday, Today I like this etc.., and with you they know how to get things done out of you. Right?  Ever thought about it? Why it happens? It is all because of YOUR HISTORY and trying to prove yourself. 

Why should this happen like this?

Now let us assume no one knows much about you. You don’t have history or your history is unknown or untouched by anyone – What a grace? No one will be anger with you, no one has any prejudged thought about you, so no one can control you and you are in complete freedom and you are the master of your will and action. Right?

Not giving importance to HISTORY or not touching it unless it required is the best thing to be ever done. It gives complete freedom on burden of thoughts about others. All you will see is that you are everywhere and in everything (Trees, Plants, everything since its history is not in you and you do not have your own history) and if you are really awakened, you will not be able explain who you are (WHO AM I ?) .

How will you be able to see you in everywhere in everything. ?

One way is to recite mantra, mantra spears its power slowly and gradually based on your recitation way and practice (shraddha and sadhana - constant practice) one day you will achieve it.

The other way - God or Guru guide you instantly.

Being unpredictable - How ?

Start very slowly and step by step raise a smoke around you. Everyone think that the surroundings (people we dwell with), the problem we face, the efforts are true. When we start like this slowly you will come to know that history does not have worth to be true without actions. Always see the righteous action and not the history.

How to be Unpredictable?

Start with small things and acts. Do not reveal of any of your acts unless it is necessary to inform others. Move away from very known surroundings. Raise smoke around you.

So what’s wrong being known to everyone?

People who know well about you will expect some behavior and characteristic act from you and that make you controllable. Freedom is bound to happen when no one knows about you and this will happen only by you being unpredictable. There is no space for lies as there is no history.

Everyone tries to act and showcase themselves as if they are smart, workaholic, perfectionist , lovable etc.  Sometimes these act become lies if you could not achieve them or you don’t have any to showcase yourself. There will not any history to continue around you unless you want to showcase it So only reveal that are necessary and important to others and there is no need to reveal how you did it? Why you did it? Or how you achieved it?

There are two paths.

All that is true and real or persistence– In this way, you will get fed up with boredom and lose happiness in your life without charm (very serious life).

All that is illusion or not real – In this way your life will be always exciting and encouraging and happier.

So be unpredictable.

God is Truth.
Those who live in Truth need not need History, because Truth already exists.

Those who live in Earth need History.

Om Namah Shivaya

Friday, November 18, 2016

Resolution and Live to Action – Part 2

This post is continuation from post - Resolution and Live to Action – Part 1

So you will accept others resolution-action blindly?

Shall I withdraw for the resolution-action when it is in half way? Can I change my resolution in between and modify it?

Think and evaluate yourself before you commit.

Why should you do that? God has given you awesome brain and intelligence, can’t you plan? Can’t you think? Can’t you work out the needs of resolution and plan your action? Can’t you evaluate your capability before starting the action? Can’t you evaluate your resolution is viable are not before you start with action?
You must not withdraw from any resolution-action but you have to start the resolution to action with thorough evaluation of yourself – capability of doing it, plan it takes the resolution to action and understanding the needs and workforce required for that action, environments it takes, taking complete responsibility and ownership. And then you must start the action without and re-evaluation and doubt.

So now will you withdraw or change from your resolution-action? 

Strong No.

How about taking responsibility for your Resolution and Live to Action?

First Remember – A Resolution and Action raises within inside or touches you from outside environment will reach to you only when you will be capable of doing it and finishing it to completion. (Always there are exceptional cases). You cannot think of being CEO or PM without being given the capability to do justification to that post or action, your Karma and Time has strong influence in your Resolution and Live to Action.

Taking responsibility for your Resolution and live to action means you should be ready to go to the extent of even sacrificing your life for its completion.
After all you are always being chased by the death, it happens any moment. If you accept this, you will agree that you do not even have any time to take any resolution or to action it. 

Time is precious as death always chases you. No one has time to waste when death is chasing, you cannot waste your time in useless actions and thoughts.

Resolute and Live to Action - Treat every Resolution and Action as if it is the LAST ACTION to do. Do it with 100% dedication and with full will, effort and happiness . 


If you really resolute to quit smoking, drinks, watching Porn, wasting time in useless action and thoughts – definitely it is doable. No one is born doing this, it came in between in the mid of your life and it can be removed in the same way. We see many who even changed have their in born characters in life time with their resolution and action, it is and doable with strong will. Do you have the strong will?

I can shed so many examples on this - You must have the strong will to do it. Death is chasing you always, it can capture you any moment, and you really don’t have time. The surprise thing is, you do not know when death touches you and it has been kept a mystery for a reason.

And last not but least, never try to escape from your actions and responsibilities or you will be forced to do the same action which would have adverse effects on you blowing you to the corner. So do it with your will and happily.

I know my resolution and my action – I am living in Action – so what’s yours?

You are not GOD who can change your resolution and action at your will.

Think and Plan well your resolution and live to action - Live to Action you have no time, Death is chasing you.

Om Namah Shivaya

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Resolution and Live to Action – Part 1

Many say that you live in moment (this second/milli second/nano second …) is it 



Your Past-Present-Future always touch each other and if not – will it have any value/meaning being in the current moment.

So where this Time concept does comes in place for this topic – Resolution and Live in Action?

Do you really have time to make resolution and action it? Read the post further....

Yes – Time has more inference with Resolution and Action.

Now – we take topic “Live in moment” this happens only when time is linear and you cannot go back and if it is unidirectional. So what about Past and Future? – You need not worry too much about past and future as you always live in that moment when time is linear– right? But does it happens like that? Strong No.

So … How this happens?

Because Time is Spiral and continuous and never ends. Sri Krishna says “I am never ending and continuous mighty Time”.  (Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11 Verse 32 and 47)

Time is multi-dimensional and is Spiral – never ending and continuous, If not so - no one needs to plan for any future goals, no need to remember past history etc…, In Snathana Dharma, Rishi’s can pick up any akashik records from Time Astral Layer, Krishna say he knows multiple births of Arjuna, all this is because, time is multi-dimensional (has past, present, future and even beyond  (penetrates to yugas, Time differs for different astral layers, planets and universe) and has more dimensions) and is Spiral – never ending and continuous.

So can I not use linear method of time?  

Yes off course time has multi dimensions even it has linear dimension. So when to use Linear method? Use unidirectional Time linear method to erase hatred feelings, to shed out the memories of bad things happened to you…, negative thoughts etc.…, to clear of your bad Karma, some actions always needs linear method of action – your body growth – it cannot go back to you childhood growth when you are at old age. But don’t forget the lessons learnt. It will help in future.

Take yourself – take some resolution and its action – you do some work is it not continuous? You have to re-collect past resolution and action and continue that action in present and take that same action to complete in future. Right?

So if you live only in that moment is it possible?

No - Never - Always all your day/life till it ends has so many resolutions and it is action bound.
Say you have Goals (resolution) to action – work for it. If you live only in that moment is it possible?

Having said that live in Action you may have short term goals and long term goals. How to manage?

You must be ready to even sacrifice even your life for the completion of Resolution and Action you made. Is it possible? Yes. If you have the will.

Say you have few or many resolution, is that greater or inferior? Good or Bad? Than the other?

No Resolution you take is niether good or bad - greater or inferior to other one.

So what happens when I agree to be part of some ones (Team Work) or my own resolution - action?

Once you accepted it. Then it becomes your resolution and action (partly or full), even the other person who did not do/work their action properly, as you have accepted, you must complete it. This may make them to drive their action to its completion. But why you bother about others action? As you have accepted others resolution-action it is also yours – you own it now. So even if they finishes it or not you must complete it as you have committed. You must drive it to completion.

So you will accept others resolution-action blindly?

Shall I withdraw the resolution-action when it is in half way? Can I change my resolution in between and modify it?

To be continued …….

Om Namah Shivaya

Monday, November 7, 2016

Bhagavad Gita - What you will remember at time of Death ? - Part 3 - Final

This post is continuation from post - Bhagavad Gita - What you will remember at time of Death ? - Part 2

Are these only 2 methods to register your experience in your cells? 

No, there are many ways to register the experience in your cells like utilizing the time you waste in watching TV, idle time you spend in useless things etc.., to register it to your cells.

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 8 Verse 7

Therefore, remember me at all times and fight. One who offers his mind and intellect to me attains me only, without a doubt

Therefore, remember me at all times and fight – Here why Sri Krishna say you must fight?  To remember and follow his words you definitely have to fight with your own Gunas right?

Do you think it is simple? Constant Practising - which You already know it

I am not going to reveal any more.

A true spiritual seeker who will meditate on the Bhagavad Gita – Chapter 8 – Verses 5 to 13 one day will understand the right method and will step into the righteous path, the path is clearly specified in the verses and true spritual seeker will definitely attain and achieve the goal and will not take birth again.


Bhagavad Gita Chapter 8 Verse 15

The great souls having achieved me, do not attain rebirth, the transient abode of sorrow.

Think and Decide

Om Namah Shivaya

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Bhagavad Gita - What you will remember at time of Death ? - Part 2

This post is continuation from post - Bhagavad Gita - What you will remember at time of Death ? - Part 1

Will you be able to think at the time of death? 

No. Why? – It may happen to due various reasons – Say you may be sick, unconscious etc …..
So what you have to do. Take it to the level of Cellular Memory. 

What is Cellular Memory?

Cellular Memory - Brain stores information and it is at macro Level of human body which stores facts, logic and figures etc.., likewise each and every cell has its storage and it is at micro level, so it stores the experiences. You can register your experience in it. These experiences communicate with each cells of your body and thus become a profound action. Example – when you vaccinate for any illness, the same disease or illness will not affect you next time and this is the concept behind it.

Yes – Knowingly or unknowingly everyone uses the cellular memory concept.

Everyone who get hurt would immediately would call his mother, and then only would realize the pain. Can we change this yes.

When you breathe you pump in oxygen to your body all over, your body cell sucks the oxygen and get you energized right? So have you ever used cellular memory in day to day life?
Example – 

  1.    Typewriter/Computer user – after extensive practice a typewriter types without seeing the keys in typewriter. His mind or brain does not instruct him to find where the key is, he thinks on the word and types.
  2.    You are driving a car, suddenly a kid or someone cross over. Your brain automatically get stuck in a shock, you will be in great panic, but yet you apply breaks. Think.

How will you achieve Cellular Memory?
You would have known many saints would have insisted on combining mantra with breathe.

When I get hurt or in shocking situation I always use to call first - nama Shivaya

Now you know how it works – when you try to synchronize your breathe with mantra, it goes in to each of your body individual cells.

So do not use brain to think, take it to cellular level. How? - Constant Practicing.

Bhavad Gita Chapter 8 Verse 8
God Say to you
<Replace Arjuna’s Name with your name>one who do constant Practice (abhyasa yoga) and focuses his mind, without straying from the path and thinking nothing else other than that purush , and meditates upon the Divine Supreme Person (purush), certainly achieves Him

Eating and Drinking

Before eating or drinking it has to be offered to God and should be taken as prasadham. By this way you purify whatever you intake. ( I will put separate post on it)

When you drink – you will first sip, now you mix the mantra (say om) and when you send it in your stomach you use the other part of the mantra (nama Shivaya). Same way when you eat you do the same way, but this one will not be as easy like you sip and drink.
Because you chew and eat and you will have to say the mantra multiple times.
Even you forgot to do this offering and take it as prasadham, no worries start from where you left.

So what is the benefit of doing this?

Many, you will understand by your experience. one of it is  - You breathe in air which is purified by mantra, which in turn purifies each and every body cell, your cell get energized from both food you intake and the oxygen you breathe, by mixing mantra this way your cell get completely purified and registers this experience.

Now you know how Cellular Memory works. The one explained here is very minimal.

So do you need to bother about anything while you are in a position to meet the death? Not needed right? You have already done all the home work.

Are these only 2 methods to register your experience in your cells  ? 

To be continued …

Om Namah Shivaya

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Bhagavad Gita - What you will remember at time of Death ? - Part 1

Bhavad Gita Chapter 8 Verse 6

[How to read Bhavad Gita  
http://kannanlp.blogspot.in/2016/10/bhagavad-gita-word-of-god-and-truth.html  ]

<Replace Arjuna’s Name with your name>, whatever state of being one remembers at the time of death, one always constantly remembers that one certainly attains to that nature.
“One always constantly remembers that one certainly attains to that nature.”

So what you will remember at the time of death?

What you constantly think in your life - day to day - you will remember the same at the time of death.
So what you are going to remember and think in your day to day life? A true spiritual seeker knows what he has to remember and think constantly?

Will you be able to think at the time of death? 

........ To be continued.


Think – you decide it.

Om Namah Shivaya

Monday, October 31, 2016

Bhagavad Gita – The Value of Word of God - LORD GANESH and LORD SKANDA.

I bow to my father and great Lord Shivji for descending his wisdom in me as he is the Wisdom and Knowledge.

Bhagavad Gita – LORD GANESH and LORD SKANDA.

All you know that Sage Vyasa and Lord Ganesha brought to us the great epic Mahabaratha.

When Sage Vyasa was narrating the Mahabaratha, Lord Ganesha was writing it. Suddenly he broke his tusk and doesn’t even care for his handsomeness and beauty and wrote it.

Do you think he wrote it on Palm leaves? What stage he broke his tusk wrote it? Where he wrote it?

You all see Lord Ganesh being worshipped all over India with broken tusk. Do you know how much he valued it even went to extent of breaking his tusk? Can you think  of breaking your hand and leg for a cause?


Where he wrote it do you think it was written in plam leaves? HE WROTE IT IN COSMIC TIME ASTRAL LAYER AND MADE IT EVER PERMANENT.  IT WILL BE PERMANENT WHAT EVER YUGA THAT MAY COME AND GO. I am thankful to Shivji and Ajit Ji (http://ajitvadakayil.blogspot.in/) it is because of him I was able to understand that time is spiral.


You know how military and air force and naval forces protect India – just to give glimpse of LORD SKANDA, IT IS LOT MORE THAN THAT. NO ONE CAN STEAL OR HAVE ACCESS TO THIS GREAT WISDOM. HE IS PROTECTING IT. IT IS GIFTED TO BHARATMATA.

God Bless all and Bhagavad Gita chooses all Jeevan of Bharatmata and take Bharatmata to a super power.

Now you know how much Lord Ganesh and Lord Skanda values it.


Om Namah Shivaya

Bhagavad Gita - The word of God, and The Truth

I bow to my father and great Lord Shivji for descending his wisdom in me as he is the Wisdom and Knowledge.

I just want to share my small showered understanding of God on Bhagavad Gita to me.

Bhagavad Gita – The word of God, and The Truth

Who will read this Wisdom bound word of God Bhagavad Gita?

In the materialistic world a human would choose some of his favorite author’s book and read it and throw it off, some stands in time. But this will not work with Bhagavad Gita.
It is the divine words of God and is so powerful and lively, the word of God touches anything and also lives. So does it mean anyone can read it?

No – It selects the reader as it lively and wisdom bound and it is truth or Sat – Do you see it as a book? Then you are wrong.

What is Truth or Sat – God is Truth or Sat and his words are Truth or Sat and there is no difference in his word and God as both are truth or Sat are one. what Sat will lead to ? Wisdom with experience. Now you know who chooses the reader. The Bhagavad Gita chooses a deserved Jeevan and showers its wisdom and knowledge to the Jeevan who reads it.

How to read Bhagavad Gita?
Now the next step all believe that it was disclosed to Arjuna, if you say the wisdom will slender touch you, then how? Because your mind is not tuned, you still have Arjuna and you read Arjuna will get it … then how ? You have to replace Arjuna with your name.
Having replaced the name does it mean the Goal is achieved?

No, Krishana reveals another secret.

That very ancient science of the relationship with the Supreme is today told by Me to you because you are My devotee as well as My friend and can therefore understand the transcendental mystery of this science

See there are 2 bonds one is Arjuna was Devotee and as well as friend.

So what bond you will create?

Those who desire my eternal association precluding all (not like any third person) who always think of me and engage in exclusive devotion to me. To them, whose minds are always absorbed in me, I provide what they lack and preserve what they already possess. (Chapter 9:22)

So who take care of you closely in your family? Say mother, father, wife, friend etc. the choice is yours what relation you put in.

How many times you must read? And what you will understand?

As you cleanse your body and energize it every day , Bhavad Gita purify your mind and soul and takes it to next level so this has to be read every day till life time.

A Jeevan read once and thinks it will understand everything ?. No like in your work ( if you really do work sincerely ) you master it the day you start and after 5 – 10 years is different right though doing same job ? The words of God is so powerful when it touches your Jeevan at start it places a strong seed and root in you and miracles happen day by day or year by year and starts bearing fruits. What you understand today is not the same tomorrow. Your experience will be unique.

Om Namah Shivaya

The GOD's Words - The Righteous Path to Freedom

For a true spiritual seeker, for him to understand the GOD, to understand his nature, to understand his action, to understand the GOD even beyond that, to attain him or dissolve in him. He has to read, follow, and practice in action the words of GOD. The GOD’s authorized spiritual righteous path, his words and the guide (book) to freedom are

The Bhagavad Gita

The Bible

The Quran

Atmasakthiyin Arputhangal 

(Atmasakthihiyin Arputhangal - Tamil Translated Book from English, Extract of 6 Books written – By Dr. Carlos Castaneda based on Teachings of Don Juan Matus - Practical life based on Bhagavad Gita )


Om Namah Shivaya