Friday, November 18, 2016

Resolution and Live to Action – Part 2

This post is continuation from post - Resolution and Live to Action – Part 1

So you will accept others resolution-action blindly?

Shall I withdraw for the resolution-action when it is in half way? Can I change my resolution in between and modify it?

Think and evaluate yourself before you commit.

Why should you do that? God has given you awesome brain and intelligence, can’t you plan? Can’t you think? Can’t you work out the needs of resolution and plan your action? Can’t you evaluate your capability before starting the action? Can’t you evaluate your resolution is viable are not before you start with action?
You must not withdraw from any resolution-action but you have to start the resolution to action with thorough evaluation of yourself – capability of doing it, plan it takes the resolution to action and understanding the needs and workforce required for that action, environments it takes, taking complete responsibility and ownership. And then you must start the action without and re-evaluation and doubt.

So now will you withdraw or change from your resolution-action? 

Strong No.

How about taking responsibility for your Resolution and Live to Action?

First Remember – A Resolution and Action raises within inside or touches you from outside environment will reach to you only when you will be capable of doing it and finishing it to completion. (Always there are exceptional cases). You cannot think of being CEO or PM without being given the capability to do justification to that post or action, your Karma and Time has strong influence in your Resolution and Live to Action.

Taking responsibility for your Resolution and live to action means you should be ready to go to the extent of even sacrificing your life for its completion.
After all you are always being chased by the death, it happens any moment. If you accept this, you will agree that you do not even have any time to take any resolution or to action it. 

Time is precious as death always chases you. No one has time to waste when death is chasing, you cannot waste your time in useless actions and thoughts.

Resolute and Live to Action - Treat every Resolution and Action as if it is the LAST ACTION to do. Do it with 100% dedication and with full will, effort and happiness . 


If you really resolute to quit smoking, drinks, watching Porn, wasting time in useless action and thoughts – definitely it is doable. No one is born doing this, it came in between in the mid of your life and it can be removed in the same way. We see many who even changed have their in born characters in life time with their resolution and action, it is and doable with strong will. Do you have the strong will?

I can shed so many examples on this - You must have the strong will to do it. Death is chasing you always, it can capture you any moment, and you really don’t have time. The surprise thing is, you do not know when death touches you and it has been kept a mystery for a reason.

And last not but least, never try to escape from your actions and responsibilities or you will be forced to do the same action which would have adverse effects on you blowing you to the corner. So do it with your will and happily.

I know my resolution and my action – I am living in Action – so what’s yours?

You are not GOD who can change your resolution and action at your will.

Think and Plan well your resolution and live to action - Live to Action you have no time, Death is chasing you.

Om Namah Shivaya

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