Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Bhagavad Gita - What you will remember at time of Death ? - Part 2

This post is continuation from post - Bhagavad Gita - What you will remember at time of Death ? - Part 1

Will you be able to think at the time of death? 

No. Why? – It may happen to due various reasons – Say you may be sick, unconscious etc …..
So what you have to do. Take it to the level of Cellular Memory. 

What is Cellular Memory?

Cellular Memory - Brain stores information and it is at macro Level of human body which stores facts, logic and figures etc.., likewise each and every cell has its storage and it is at micro level, so it stores the experiences. You can register your experience in it. These experiences communicate with each cells of your body and thus become a profound action. Example – when you vaccinate for any illness, the same disease or illness will not affect you next time and this is the concept behind it.

Yes – Knowingly or unknowingly everyone uses the cellular memory concept.

Everyone who get hurt would immediately would call his mother, and then only would realize the pain. Can we change this yes.

When you breathe you pump in oxygen to your body all over, your body cell sucks the oxygen and get you energized right? So have you ever used cellular memory in day to day life?
Example – 

  1.    Typewriter/Computer user – after extensive practice a typewriter types without seeing the keys in typewriter. His mind or brain does not instruct him to find where the key is, he thinks on the word and types.
  2.    You are driving a car, suddenly a kid or someone cross over. Your brain automatically get stuck in a shock, you will be in great panic, but yet you apply breaks. Think.

How will you achieve Cellular Memory?
You would have known many saints would have insisted on combining mantra with breathe.

When I get hurt or in shocking situation I always use to call first - nama Shivaya

Now you know how it works – when you try to synchronize your breathe with mantra, it goes in to each of your body individual cells.

So do not use brain to think, take it to cellular level. How? - Constant Practicing.

Bhavad Gita Chapter 8 Verse 8
God Say to you
<Replace Arjuna’s Name with your name>one who do constant Practice (abhyasa yoga) and focuses his mind, without straying from the path and thinking nothing else other than that purush , and meditates upon the Divine Supreme Person (purush), certainly achieves Him

Eating and Drinking

Before eating or drinking it has to be offered to God and should be taken as prasadham. By this way you purify whatever you intake. ( I will put separate post on it)

When you drink – you will first sip, now you mix the mantra (say om) and when you send it in your stomach you use the other part of the mantra (nama Shivaya). Same way when you eat you do the same way, but this one will not be as easy like you sip and drink.
Because you chew and eat and you will have to say the mantra multiple times.
Even you forgot to do this offering and take it as prasadham, no worries start from where you left.

So what is the benefit of doing this?

Many, you will understand by your experience. one of it is  - You breathe in air which is purified by mantra, which in turn purifies each and every body cell, your cell get energized from both food you intake and the oxygen you breathe, by mixing mantra this way your cell get completely purified and registers this experience.

Now you know how Cellular Memory works. The one explained here is very minimal.

So do you need to bother about anything while you are in a position to meet the death? Not needed right? You have already done all the home work.

Are these only 2 methods to register your experience in your cells  ? 

To be continued …

Om Namah Shivaya

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